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Madeira cetacean stranding network
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Apart from monitoring visits and preparing activities bearing in mind environmental awareness the educational services provide a series of educational projects.


School year 2013/2014


For the school year 2013/2014 several projects will be carried out in collaboration with the educational community, and other existing projects will continue on as well.


Colaboração com a UMa  
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Dando continuidade à colaboração estabelecida em anos lectivos anteriores os Serviços Educativos voltam a acompanhar o desenvolvimento de uma dissertação de mestrado em engenharia informática. 



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ATL's  Outras iniciativas 

Durante as interrupções letivas deste ano letivo são criadas atividades de ocupação de tempos livres destinadas aos mais novos entre os 4 e os 12 anos. 

 Os serviços educativos contribuem para a dinamização cultural do MBM através do desenvolvimento de várias iniciativas pontuais como comemoração de dias temáticos, a realização de workshop ou a atividade "Dormir com as baleias"

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Story Time  Partnsership with the “A Gaivota” kindergarten
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In order to promote reading habits in October 2013 the Whale Museum began the activity "Story Time" for children ranging from 4 to 12 years old. 


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In partnership with the "Gaivota" kindergarten the Madeira Whale Museum in January 2014 started the Story Time at the museum. 

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"Sou 5 Estrelas" Competition "Oficina do Mar "  discipline
For the beginning of the school year the Whale Museum challenges the educational community to participate in the school competition:"Sou 5 estrelas!"


Under the Eco-Schools Project, a training programme for teachers called MAR, SENSIBILIZAÇÃO, ENSINO E POTENCIALIDADES was held in Gonçalves Zarco School during the school year 2012/2013

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 Vocational Training

As in the previous two academic years the MWM welcomes back a student on EPP (Vocational Training).

The young student from EB2, 3 School from Caniçal, develops technical and logistical support activities for 3 hours per week during the current school year.


School year 2012/2013

During this school year several projects were carried out by the museum’s educational services. Besides, other existing projects like vocational project carried on as well.

"BaleiArte" Competition Nautical modeling Workshop
Designed to communicate the scientific/conservation CETACEOSMADEIRA II (CMII), this design contest consisted of performing artistic interventions on 3D models in polystyrene that depicted the target species of the project
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In 2012/2013 in the 2nd and 3rd school terms the MWM partnered with EB2,3 School from Caniçal and the Amigos do Modelismo Association to develop the "Nautical Modeling Workshop".
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 Vocational training Support for Master Courses in Computer Engineering

In school year 2012/2013 the Educational Services have supported the Vocational Training programme for a student from EB2,3 School from Caniçal.

The Vocational Training was held weekly during school and allowed the student to perform activities of integration in social life.
Acompanhamento de Mestrados em Eng. Informática
Two Master students (Càtia Afonseca e Patrícia Nascimento) in the field of Computer Engineering from the University of Madeira were given support by the museum. 
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Temporary Exhibitions  

Educational services MBM also dedicated themselves to the development of temporary exhibitions.



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School year 2011/2012


Cooperation with UMa Partnership with school

The educational services accompanied the development of two students’ Master's Theses in Computer Science:


Canical Eco-MAR– The partnership with EB2,3 School from Caniçal and the Sailing Association and the outcome of the need to encourage students to respect the environment , particularly the marine environment . 

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Vocational training Temporary Exhibitions

The Educational Services have supported the Vocational Training programme for a student from EB2,3 School from Caniçal.  

Educational services MBM also dedicated themselves to the development of temporary exhibition

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School year 2010/2011


Regional Week for People with SEN (Special Education Needs) Partnerships with educational institutions


The educational services developed a series of activities during the Regional Activity Week for People with SEN. 







Throughout the school year three partnerships were developed.

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Temporary exhibition   


The educational services participated in the logistics related to the presentation of temporary and itinerary exhibition Natura 2000 network in the municipalities of Machico and Santana. Educational activities were also developed with students from local schools.




School year 2009/2010

Partnerships with schools Colaboration with Madeira University

Educational services continued to develop partnerships with several schools in order to promote education on cetaceans. 




On Nov. 28th 2007 the Machico Municipality through the Madeira Whale Museum signed a collaboration protocol with the Competence Centre of Exact Sciences and Engineering at University of Madeira. 

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School year 2008/2009

Partnerships with schools Environmental awareness lectures


Throughout the school year partnerships with schools in the municipality of Machico were developed. 


The MWM’s educational services were invited to give lectures on biodiversity of cetaceans. 

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Environmental awareness activities Selection of the name mascot’s name


Environmental awareness activities involving visits to scientific research boats and hiking were developed.  

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A competition for the selection of the name of the MWM’s mascot was developed. 

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School year 2007/2008

Development of educational resources Collaboration on the "EUREKA - Science in School" project”


The Madeira Whale Museum has always been concerned with the dissemination of information on cetaceans of Madeira.



The Educational Services collaborated with the EB School from São Roque do Faial in the development of "EUREKA - Science in School" project

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SEA Week Environmental awareness lecture 


The Whale Museum joined the Regional Secretariat for the Environment and the EB Caniçal School from Machico to mark the Day of the Sea on May 20th


On June 26th the activity "Whales and Dolphins of Madeira” intended for students of 2nd, 3rd and 4th grade was held at the EB Lombo Segundo School from São Roque do Faial. 

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