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 Tel.: +351 291 961 858/9
 Email: geral@museudabaleia.org



2016 1EMYA yelow nominee 2014 232012


Virtual Tour

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Madeira cetacean stranding network
291 961 859 / 924 432 091

Throughout the school year three partnerships were developed:

CAO Machico – In order to facilitate the social integration of young people from the Occupational Activity Centre in Machico, several activities were conducted in both institutions. The activities occurred throughout 2011 and allowed the development of the temporary exhibition: "Whaling - Art & Facts" inaugurated on March 7th, 2012, associated with the celebration of the centennial of Mr.  Martins, the former EBAM (Madeira Whaling Company) miller.

EBS Machico – Os alunos da turma do 12º8 desenvolveram na disciplina de Área Projeto trabalhos relacionados com os cetáceos da RAM. O desenvolvimento foi acompanhado pelos Serviços Educativos que realizaram sessões de esclarecimento na escola e no museu relativamente aos trabalhos a realizar. O trabalho culminou na elaboração de pósteres sobre a temática.

EB1/PE Maroços - Activities were carried out weekly during the 2nd term of the school year 2010/2011, with the 4th grade class. During the project several environmental awareness sessions and activities on cetaceans, which were continued in the study visit made to the museum were held..